For my YouTube music channels, I receive music and videos presented every day. They are mostly by unknown musicians and you never know when you will find a great new artist. I always review the submissions and see if there is something good I can offer on my channel. Now, since these artists are not generally known, their YouTube views range from 0 to 5000. By the way, going over 1000 is really a great starting point. Although, recently I received videos from many unknown artists with 50,000 to 100,000 views. So these anonymous artists make their way the minute they email me? I must be a very lucky man. But no, too bad. They only buy YouTube views . Now there are websites that sell YouTube views. These websites often control zombie networks, which are virus-infected computers located all over the world. Some of these zombie networks control up to a million computers. Once these sites pay, they will queue your video across all those computers and your video views will quickly increase t...