For my YouTube music channels, I receive music and videos presented every day. They are mostly by unknown musicians and you never know when you will find a great new artist. I always review the submissions and see if there is something good I can offer on my channel.

Now, since these artists are not generally known, their YouTube views range from 0 to 5000. By the way, going over 1000 is really a great starting point.

Although, recently I received videos from many unknown artists with 50,000 to 100,000 views.

So these anonymous artists make their way the minute they email me? I must be a very lucky man.

But no, too bad. They only buy YouTube views.

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Now there are websites that sell YouTube views. These websites often control zombie networks, which are virus-infected computers located all over the world. Some of these zombie networks control up to a million computers. Once these sites pay, they will queue your video across all those computers and your video views will quickly increase to the amount you paid for.

Aside from being completely unethical, it's also obvious to find out when someone bought the views.

I counted my videos views/likes/comments and on average if I have 100,000 views I usually have around 1,500 likes and 300 comments. This means that 1 in 66 people liked the video after watching it, and 1 in 333 people commented on it. These are metrics to think about and they don't differ much from non-music videos either.

The last video I received had 100,000 views, 50 likes, and 20 comments. This means that 1 out of 2,000 people liked it and 1 out of 5,000 people commented on it. Imagine this. 100,000 people watched a video. 20 people commented on it.

which - which. Yes it is. Not right. Happen or occur.

I don't like people doing that. It is unethical and unfair behavior. YouTube creators like me work hard to create the best videos for our audience. Views are everything, they are simply the most important measure of success on YouTube. You can't compete with attention-grabbing videos because they get 100,000 fake views on the first day. In the long run, it prevents creators from putting effort into producing videos and greatly harms the YouTube creator ecosystem.

It's not just about views, people also buy subscribers.

In this graph, anyone can discover what is happening. At two different times in a matter of days, the channel has 1,000 subscribers. The first spurt acts more covertly (with a delay effect) than the second acute spurt. However, you would expect YouTube to be able to detect both events, right?

From a technical point of view, I see the challenge for YouTube in solving this problem. If you have 100,000 different computers on a zombie network that open videos automatically, how will you know if they are human or not? You can't really get people to take a CAPTCHA before watching the video, can you?

However, YouTube is working on this. They shut down thousands of zombie accounts every day and that means the fake views people buy are also removed. Therefore, buying these views is not sustainable as they will simply disappear and video views will decrease again.

To everyone who buys your opinions, I just want to tell you what my dad always told me when I was a kid. In life there are no shortcuts, you have to work hours and work for it and in the end you get it. Or maybe not. Taking a shortcut may help in the short term, but it's not sustainable in the long term. Cheating often comes back in the system to hit you later.

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Buying Real YouTube Views is Essential

You need the views if you want to grow organically, and at Jaynike, we help you get the views. YouTube is constantly changing. Not so long ago, it was dominated by videos of dogs on skateboards and funny cats. Currently, it is a giant platform that almost every industry uses to publish all kinds of content. With over a billion videos viewed daily, it's a place every marketer wants to be. Research shows that only 9% of small businesses in the US use YouTube, and while this sounds crazy, it simply means that it is still an untapped marketing platform that is begging to be exploited. If you are connected and smart enough to want more for your business, you have every reason to consider owning and growing a channel on the platform.

The importance of YouTube

YouTube is currently the third most visited website on the Internet after Google and Facebook. It is estimated that the average YouTube user spends about 2 hours per day watching video content. This is just an accurate indication of how prevalent YouTube traffic is, and if you can find a way to tap into billions of users, you can be sure your business will grow to levels you never imagined. The fact that it is a giant entertainment site with all kinds of users makes it an excellent place to advertise your business or gain fame and followers around the world.

Why should you buy real YouTube views?

The only way to succeed on YouTube, regardless of your efforts, is to draw attention to your videos. If you are just starting out or have a small canal, it will be difficult to get the views you need to get the canal on the right track for growth. This is why you need help buying views. Views will give you the initial boost you need to start seeing your views and for your videos to start being recommended to users by YouTube. It's fast, effective, affordable, and has been proven to work over and over again.

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Improve your organic growth

The best kind of YouTube growth is natural. However, for this to happen, you will need your videos to get enough views to gain the traction you need to start growing naturally. As mentioned above, this is often a challenging task, especially for those who are just starting out or are small channels.

Social Signals

By buying YouTube views, you will increase social mentions on your videos and channels, which in turn will make YouTube see you as someone with great content. As such, they will watch your videos and possibly subscribe to your channel. As more people continue to watch your videos, videos continue to be recommended as well, and in no time, you will be amazed at how quickly your channel is growing. There is no magic in that.



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